One reason I enjoyed college was because I had good friends throughout the two years I was there. On my first day I already knew people that had come from my school and although I wasn't close to them at the time I attached myself to the group and thus had friends at college. Now that's all good and dandy to have people at break and dinner to sit with and have a laugh with but you will most likely need to make friends in classes (unless your friends are in your classes too) which isn't always easy. most teachers will force you to move from the seat you chose and sit next to someone you don't know and although this is nerve racking, you will certainly make friends by doing this because you're all in the same boat and have to talk to each other. If this doesn't happen which it most likely will, you can always find someone when having to do a partner project. Even if it doesn't happen straight away, you will make friends in your class!
Sticking to deadlines
This is actually quite hypocritical of me as I didn't always manage it and your only human, when doing 4 almost brand new subjects you wont always be able to stick to deadlines but at least trying to will make your life easier. The best way to do this is to start the assignment as soon as you can and plan the assignment out. Like I said I didn't always stick to the deadline but I was always honest with my teachers, if it was close to a deadline and I didn't think I would be able to make it, I would hang back after class and explain to the teacher why I was unable to complete it for the deadline and they were always supportive and gave any help they could. Never rush something to get it in on time, you could lose valuable marks from your coursework
Pick something you're interested in
My law teacher always said people are generally happier in college because they aren't being forced to do the subject, they are doing it out of interest. If you enjoy the subject you're more likely to get good grades in it and in the first few weeks of college your allowed to change your subjects so if you don't like something, don't stick in it because your friends do it or because your parents want you to, find something that you'll enjoy but will still help in your future.
Use your free periods wisely
I know that you don't always want to sit and work through all of your free periods but it'll help in the long run. If you have work that isn't computer based then great, go and sit with your new found friends in the common room or wherever you want and do your work just make sure you make time to do it all.
So this sounds like such a teacher-ish thing to say but honestly you can never revise enough, even more so when January exams have been eliminated! When I first started college my history teacher asked me to set a personal target and it was to revise from the start and she said I wouldn't need to, I wish I had though! I still actually stick by that too, when you finish a topic in college, make some notes, revise it and try and remember it, don't spend too long on it because you have to learn other stuff but you'll be glad you did when it gets to exam season and you'll find it less stressful!
So this is my first proper post and I'm not sure whether it'll be liked that much or if anyone will even read it (cue Bridget Jones singing 'all by myself') but if you are someone who has read this, please give me feedback, it's really helpful for me and it's just something for me to do really
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