Saturday, 25 August 2018

Guess Who's Back - Back again...

Hiiiyaaa... it's been a while, no? Well it would seem that we have a lot of catching up to do then ey? Since the last post, all I've thought when it comes to blogging is, what is there to follow a post like that? Where do I go from there? The answer, as it would seem, is wherever the hell I want and since I've had such a long break in between what I'd classify as 'proper blogging' as in me having a schedule etc. I thought I really can write anything, if there is ever a time to give my blog a new feel it would be now hence the new theme. 

So now for where am I going with my blog? 

Pretty much as I used to - I'm gonna write what I feel like writing but this time, I'm going to do it better! this means that If I want to write a beauty post about a facemask I'm loving... I'm gunna! If I've been binge watching a show on Netflix and I think you'll love it - I'll let ya know!

I really want to give the whole blog thing a go one more time and if it goes back to square one, I'll pack in (maybe) and just forget about writing all together but for now, I constantly think about how I can come back to the blog and what I can write that will make me happy and what better to make me happy than whatever I want?

Thanks for reading possibly my rambliest post ever! 

Hayl xo
You can also find me on

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