Monday, 10 September 2018

Hospital Appointments and HRT

Turners Syndrome

Since the last (only) time I wrote about my Turners Syndrome a lot has happened, I still don't know too much in terms of it's effects on me but the check ups and treatments are well underway so I just thought I would go over that here for anyone that may want to know the kind of tests/check up us turners ladies have.


There are only 2 types of medication that I take currently
  • 3 vitamin D supplements in a high strength in the morning. These are due to a deficiency in Vitamin D which has affected my bone health. I was diagnosed with osteopenia meaning I have weak bones but not so weak that they would break with ease just through a fall etc. 
  • 3 oestrogen tablets (ethinylestradiol) on a night. This is my hormone replacement therapy which is standard for girls with turners syndrome as well as lots of other women that have issues with their hormone regulation. This currently is purely oestrogen for now until my doctor sees fit to transfer me to the combined pill with progesterone in.


As you can imagine, I've been subjected to a lot of prodding and probing in the past year and a bit just to make sure I'm in tip top shape. Some of the tests I have had done are:
  • Enumerable blood tests to diagnose any deficiency or abnormality in the blood. As mentioned above the only deficiency right now is Vitamin D however in my last set of tests, my ferritin levels came back as low so my doctor has decided if they are any lower by my next appointment, I will be put onto supplements for that too.  
  • A Dexa scan to check my bone density levels - this was the test that discovered my osteopenia.
  • An MRI scan for my uterus to see what shape it was in, this came back normal
  • A healthy heart test to ensure my heart was working as it should be - this was just an ECG which came back fine
  • A cardiac ultrasound - this was just to see what my heart actually looked like and to make sure there were no problems with my aortic valve - weirdly, this was my favourite of all the tests as I got to see my heart on the screen in the same way an expectant parent see's their child both are fascinating to see.
I can't actually think of any other tests I've done but aside from that I have regular check ups at the hospital to discuss my general well-being, plans for parenthood and my extremely terrible food habits (I always get a telling off about that last one)

In general, I'm very happy with my progress since diagnosis both personal and physical, a lot of things have begun to make sense, I joined the UK Turners Syndrome Support Society and often interact with the other TS ladies and parents which is always helpful and full of support where needed. 

Thanks for reading, 

Hayl xo
You can also find me on

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