Wednesday, 27 February 2019

I lost a STONE in 6 weeks!

Before I get into how, I wanna talk about what brought me to lose weight. I haven't been even slightly slim since I left school, between college's £1.00 breakfast's and my love of crisps, cheese and a good drink... I've not made it easy for myself to be slim! It's been a bit of a slow gain, I didn't notice until looking at old photo's just how much weight I've put on! Don't get me wrong, I've never been overly concerned about my unhealthy habits and weight, I made changes here and there but still had that chippy at work on a Friday or that takeaway after a night out and I'm completely fine with that. It was only when I was diagnosed with Turner's Syndrome that I even considered that perhaps my weight was problematic. My consultant, the lovely Sue, is also a specialist in diabetes and is always on at me to do something about my weight before it's too late and this January after a noticeable gain over Christmas, I did just that and I joined Slimming World. 

A few people had mentioned joining to me in the past and I generally brushed them off thinking how much I would HATE to go to a group get weighed in front of everyone and then discuss my issues with food in front of a whole group... how embarrassing? and yet I couldn't have been more wrong! You literally go in, hand over your card and membership money, walk over and get weighed and then it goes into your slimming world book. Once everyone's been weighed group starts and your consultant will go round the group to talk about how you've done. Staying for group is optional but Hollie and I love to stay for group and hearing from everyone. As daunting as it sounds, it is always a positive experience. Any loss is fantastic but even when you've gained, it's discussed in a positive way, the consultant will not say 'Hayley, you've gained 1lb' as she might announce with a loss but she'd say 'Hayley, you've lost 15lbs so far' and it's still met with the same applause which is amazing. Another fantastic thing about group is there are so many different people in there and we all share tips and recipe's and have a nice little chat each week. 

Just from following the slimming world model (Free Food, Speed Food, HEx A and HEx B and Syns) I have lost just over a stone! I have had a few treats here and there but I've always got back onto plan. 

The internet is FULL of Slimming World recipe's and inspiration and one surprising platform to get it is Instagram. Honestly, I get food envy every day just looking at Harry Pickard's insta he has the most amazing meals that still sound naughty with so few syns. My point is, you can draw inspo from anywhere and it hasn't half helped me this past 6 weeks.

I am still a long way off of my target and not even at the point where I can SEE I've lost weight (I'm definitely feeling it in some of my clothes though) but I am still more than happy and loving my life, still stuffing my face but with better foods!

Hayl xo
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