Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The teenage school years - Hang in there, you'll be just fine!

So this week I've decided to do another little advicey type blog (a 'how to' if you will) on surviving your teenage years! When you look over your teens, you'll realise that you really were being way too dramatic and it just wasn't as bad as you think!

Year 9 (13-14) - So in year 8 you're going through some huge changes in yourself, you're growing up and your learning tonnes more about yourself. Depending on your school too you might be making some huge decisions and that's not the worst of it, you're "falling in love". Now the reason that's in quotation marks is that I know that at that age, your quite unlikely to stay in a relationship with the people you're seeing, don't get me wrong I know people that are 18 and have been in a six year relationship and if you end up like that you're lucky, extremely lucky, but honestly its not the end of the world if you break up, you'll find someone else and you'll be just fine! If you haven't got a boyfriend/girlfriend yet don't worry it's not a race at all, just keep positive! Now I know it can be quite upsetting if you really really like someone and they don't like you back but again, it isn't the end of the world, don't go changing yourself for that person to like you because it isn't likely that they will, just be yourself and it will all come naturally! If being 13 and hormonal isn't bad enough some schools (mine included) decide to throw you in at the deep end and start you off on your GCSE's exams that pretty much start off your career. The best advice I can give is to not take it for granted, GCSE's aren't easy and you will not pass unless you actually give it a go so revise really hard, be on time to lessons and don't take too much time off, they really are important to your future. 

13 Year old hayley... when I was 13 I was doing BTEC Dance and GCSE History, and I liked them so much that I then carried on to do the second year of dance and I continued History onto AS Level. I don't think I did too bad in them either to say I was only 13 and only did the one year of class work before my exams. I also found who I probably thought at the time was the love of my life, truth is I didn't really see him too often and we might as well have not been "in a relationship" it was definitely one of those throwaway teenage relationships I was talking about! I was basically just finding myself I guess, I'm still not too sure I found myself fully to be honest!

year 10 (14 -15) - by year 10 you've pushed through the nasty little hormonal phase (trust me it is a phase) and you've probably found the people who you want in your life forever, I know I did! If your school isn't like mine you will be starting your GCSE's and like I said they aren't easy. Now you've made it through the hormonal stage you're probably in a stage where everyone is a little bit bitchy. You're friendship group probably has more arguments than an episode of the Jeremy kyle show which if you don't know, is a lot! As well as this, the parties people have are getting more grown up, in england its not that strange (in my part anyway) to have started drinking alcohol (not that I advise it in any way) and with alcohol comes many hilarious stories (again not that I advise it) and if you want to have a little drink theres honestly nothing wrong with that, as long as there is someone in charge of making sure everyone else is ok and that no one gets hurt. I can't stress enough that not only is drinking underage illegal, it's not compulsory, there is nothing to say you HAVE to drink at a young age, and if you do please, please drink safely too many teenagers go to hospital for alcohol related issues. 

14 year old hayley... At 14 I was getting there, finding what I wanted to do in life and who I wanted to be around me when I did do it. The friends I've mentioned in previous posts are the ones I got close to then, that's 4 years ago and we're still all here, I love the lot of them! Most of my friends I knew before secondary school but weren't too close to and there are two or three that I only really got close to in my teens and I love them I do! There has been a lot of fallings out but we're all here for eachother and I couldn't imagine life without them really! As well as this I was still doing my GCSE's and I picked Art and the second year of dance, as I already mentioned. Art didn't get me anywhere, it was mainly to fill up my time because I didn't want to do anything else so yeah. Now Im not going to lie, I was one of those teenagers that did get drunk but I mostly knew my limits and we were always supervised at parties and such and never had an alcohol related illness/problem, I really can't stress enough that 14 is not an age you should be starting to drink alcohol, it's something you do in your own time     

year 11 (15-16) - now this is the last year and your making a lot of decisions, you choose a college, subjects at college and basically what you want to do in the future (in order to pick the right courses). The best advice I can give you is to choose things that will help and that you'll enjoy. You can't pick a college because your friends are going because you'll probably have different timetables anyway, as well as this, you can't pick a course because your friends do it because if you don't enjoy it, your wasting two or more years of your life and you'll not get anywhere in life and that my pals is the harsh reality! As well as all this your getting that all important coursework in and revising for the very last exams and trust me there is no better feeling than putting your pen down after that last exam! The worst bit about this last year is leaving, especially if you've been in the same school for your full school life, just knowing you'll not see most the people in your year properly ever again! As everyone knows, there is an upside to leaving school.. PROM!! It is the most amazing night ever everyones dressed up theres food, dancing, music and everyones just so happy and its wonderful so yeah thats prom in a nutshell! 

15 year old hayley... at 15 I had managed to survive school, I had (still have) the best friends a girl could ask for and I was just so content with life it was great! So I passed most of my exams and the ones I didn't pass, It wasn't too far off. I cried my eyes out on the last day of school, aaaaaallll daaay not even joking! even though I knew I'd still have all of my friends, I just realised when I was watching the slideshow of photos, how much everyone in my year had grown up and how much I'd actually miss seeing everyone all the time!

I think this post is long enough, and if you read this far you are truly amazing and I do appreciate every single one of you, honestly even though there aren't that many people reading these right now, its still  (for example) 20 different people reading something I've posted online, 20 people, majority of whom I dont know, it might sound strange from a readers point of view but as a writer its wonderful so thank you alot, you truly are wonderful! 

Hayl xo

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