Monday, 27 October 2014

A - Z of me - 26 questions about me

Oh hey there.. is it that time of the week again? Well you'd best grab a drink and maybe a snack because this is the A - Z of me and we could be here a while! 
A: If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be?
I would probably be a parrot (in the wild) because they can talk, maybe not wild ones though cause they wont encounter enough humans to learn words BUT they can fly around all the time and see beautiful sights and they apparently have the longest lifespan
B: BOOKS: What’s on your reading list?
at the moment I'm reading need by carrie jones which is to get me into the Halloween spirit because it's quite supernatural and is fitting to the time of year, I'm also in the process of reading mokee joe by peter j murray which again has a spooky theme to it but it's not that bad cause it's made for a young audience I've actually had it since I was about 7 or 8, I'll add the book cover and let you decide for yourself but I would be terrified if the monster from it came near me!
C: COMPULSIVE about anything?
A few things actually, I keep my highlighters in 'rainbow' order, my books are in genre order, my dvds are in genre and company order for example if there are two chick flicks made by universal - they will be together, also I can't stop clicking/cracking my knuckles
D: DREAMS – Do you…dream in colour? Remember your dreams? Keep a dream journal?
I do tend to dream in colour, well the ones I remember are in colour, I actually have quite realistic dreams, like I'll have dreams including people I know and they'll say things the person would say so some are actually quite memorable but I can never remember enough to write a dream journal, I wish I could though!
E: EATING – what’s your usual snack?
So I really don't eat very healthily, I wish I could but I just cant bring myself to so I mainly reach for a packet of crisps but I don't snack a lot through the day, I'll have a packet of crisps and maybe a chocolate bar at the most.
F: A few of your FAVOURITE Things
Nutty chocolate, tomato soup, my dog, tv, books, my family, my amazing friends, clicking my knuckles, rugby players of the welsh kind, copious amounts of alcohol 
G: GIGGLES! What (or who) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of humor?
Puns make me laugh a lot, most comedy shows, most comedy films, myself, my best friend, lee evans(comedian), nick grimshaw(radio personality), russell howard(comedian) I mean, theres a lot more.. Im a cheap laugh, I find a lot of things funny
H: Major HOT Button:
Ignorance, people that don't accept change when it's clearly for the better, dying on flappy bird (yes I still play it), when people are only open to one way of thinking like they have one opinion and anything else that doesn't go with that opinion is wrong, when people want help and when you try to help they complain that everything your doing to help is wrong
I: I am…
Short. Funny(well I think so). friendly. forgiving. uninteresting. out of things I am
K: Also KNOWN As… Aliases? Screen names? A non de plume perhaps?
I wouldn't say I was known as anything, I use my own name for screen names, I don't have a pseudonym or anything like that.. Just Hayley, or hayl
My Family and friends, good food, alcohol, reading, made in chelsea, my dog, 
M: How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time? Rarely? Parties or 1-on-1?
Im shy sometimes but I do love meeting new people, I like learning about people and stuff like that.
N: What’s the story of your NAME? Were you named after anyone? Do you go by a nickname? Any aliases?
My mum didn't know what she wanted to call me at all and then it came to me being born and she still didn't know so my brother decided I should be named after his friend who was obviously called Hayley, so yeah.. my middle name Louisa is from my grandma frances who died before I was born so I never got to meet her but I've heard great things
O: OBSERVANT – What’s around you right now? What do you see?
My laptop is right in front of me, my dog is laid on the floor next to my door, the tv is on and glue is about to start, I can see 3 bottles of water on my dressing table.. there are a lot of things in my room tbh
P: Who are the special PEOPLE in your life?
Well my parents I guess are the most important, my nannie is really important too I love her to pieces even if I haven't seen her in a while, I also love my brother cause he's great, obviously my friends are really important to me too because idk, when aren't friends important?
Q: Any little QUIRKS about yourself?
I am a compulsive knuckle clicker, I call 'coke' cola, I try on outfits and makeup constantly when I'm planning to go out or for a party, I talk too much and Im also a huge panicker like I unnecessarily worry if someone doesn't reply to a message on facebook or anything else, I have a specific way of eating and I don't know if its just me (let me know if you do the same) but when I'm eating a meal lets say a sunday dinner, I would eat the veg then the mash, then the chicken - like I do that with any meal!
R: What do you like to do for RECREATION?
I read, spend time with my friends, watch films, binge watch tv shows, blog, go to the gym
S: Do You SING in the Shower? In the car? For your friends?
I sing all the time, whether I'm any good is debatable but I definitely sing a lot, I aaaalways sing in the shower and bath because I don't like the silence. 
T: What’s at the top of your TO DO list?
I'm not quite sure, I have no massive aspirations at the moment - I guess the usual things like travelling - do well idk
U: Any UNUSUAL experiences?
The only few that come to mind are from nights out in the town - the first one was when me and my friend jasmine were in a club just dancing and having a good time and there were two boys, not remotely attractive (not that I cared I was just uninterested in them) and they were dancing near us and they kept looking at us so I smiled just being nice and polite as you do and the tallest boy says "you's can give us the V whenever you's want" middlesborough town really is wonderful. The second one was on another night out we were in the second bar we usually go to on a night and we were quite drunk and I was dancing stood at my chair and I knocked my full jug of cocktail over and soaked myself, I went to the toilet to dry off and when I got back there was ice everywhere so I threw it at one friend who threw it back so I then threw it at another and carried on and when there was no where else to throw it I threw it off the balcony, just to see if it would hit anyone, me and hollie (you know who she is) carried on throwing ice and then hollie threw a ring and I don't know why, two minutes later, a bouncer was stood next to me telling me he saw what I was doing and I should stop because it was dangerous and I'll have to leave if I do it again. 
V: VEGAS, Vienna, Venice, Vladivostok… How far have you travelled? What’s your favourite city?
I haven't travelled that much to be honest I've only stayed in the UK, I think the furthest I've been is Stone which is 169 miles away from where I live. My favourite place to go is probably Scarborough where I was born, it's just full of history, for the country and myself. 
W: WINTER, Spring, Summer, Fall… What’s your favourite season? What makes it special?
Erm, I like summer the most because it's brighter and everyone's happier and people have bbq's and parties and its my birthday in the summer and its just great. I like winter too though because I like christmas and watching christmas films and snow and seeing people in the festive spirit
X: EXes…
I don't have many but they've never really bothered me, I'm still 'friends' with one 
Y: Any secret/deep YEARNINGS?
I would really like to get a job that pays well and I can be comfortable best thing would be to be able to work from home, I don't know what doing though - not a secret though. There are some secret ones but I mean, they're a secret for a reason..
Z: ZERO to ZENITH – Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along?
I mean, I guess I'm growing still, because im only young but I would also like to think im on an upward curve cause Im pretty happy with how my life is and how everything is going.

So this has been the A-Z of me, if your getting to this point in the post and you have an opinion on what I said or what I should write about or even just to say hi or to let me know you're a recurring reader, please comment on the post, just to show people are taking in what I say and are enjoying my posts - I dont even care if you don't like them, tell me that IT ALL HELPS! As always thanks for reading my posts and giving me silent motivation to carry on because if it wasn't for you having a gander, I wouldn't be writing these posts!

Hayl xo 

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