All in all, it took me around a year to pass my test, I reckon this is partly because I put off doing my theory test for a long time out of fear that I'd fail. I started lessons around the end of September and then passed my test just two weeks ago on the 25th of October. I was surprisingly lucky on both occasions and passed both of my tests first time which was so so unexpected, I didn't feel at all like I knew enough to pass the theory and I certainly didn't feel prepared to pass the practical test.
The weekend after the weekend that I passed, I went down to my local Citroen dealership and bought my first car, I got a C1 Elle in nude and I'm completely obsessed! The car is on Citroen's Simply Drive package where you get the car, insurance, road tax, roadside assistance and servicing for one monthly price which is a LOT cheaper than any prices I found when getting quotes for other separate cars. The car insured with a telematics scheme because I'm a brand new driver and 22 I only installed the device yesterday and have been obsessively checking my score after each journey since! so far I'm not doing too bad but it is put together over an average based on ALL journeys so I'm hoping I can keep the good driving up!
Getting in a car on your own for the first time is weird and definitely takes a lot of getting used to but I'm starting to get used to it now and the first day I must've stalled 200 times while getting used to my car and driving to and from work was crazy but I'm definitely getting used to it now.