Monday, 3 November 2014

19 before 19 - A Years Bucket List

So Since I've not been 18 for too long I thought there is still a fair bit of time to do things before I turn 19 so here is a list of 19 things I will attempt to have done by august the 7th next year!

In no particular order here we go -
  1. Start Driving Lessons - I have been able to start my lessons for a long time but I haven't had the motivation/desire to start them and Im getting to a point where I do want to drive but I just haven't fancied it enough so yeah
  2. Go somewhere new - This is quite vague but I just mean visit somewhere new and interesting and fun that I've never been before
  3. Attend a Quiz night - The local pub hosts many a quiz night (or so I think) but I just haven't been to one just yet and I really want to cause I do love a good quiz
  4. Reach my goal body shape - I really want to like tone up and be in shape so I just want to be able to be confident in things like cropped tops and if ever I was to go swimming I don't want to constantly be in like control swim suits etc  
  5. get a job - I mean this needs no explanation and I certainly hope to have a job before I turn 19 because I just need a job!!
  6. find a good concealer - This is so random to want to do before im 19 but I just want to find a concealer that works and is really good so if you know of one, help a girl out here!
  7. learn to speak a new language - I already know a little french because I did it in school but I want to be able to like string sentences together and have like a full on conversation!
  8. finish watching the us office - I became obsessed with the office and got to the 4th or 5th series but I haven't got round to finishing it but I want to because its wonderful and I always see gifs and Im like aaah spoilers:(
  9. try a starbucks - #uncommonwhitegirl... I just haven't tried starbucks yet but I want to see what the fuss is over
  10. Go to a new theme park - I'm not exactly the biggest of thrill seekers and I've been to like 3 theme parks but I want to go to a new one haha
  11. go to nandos - same with starbucks, I just want to see the hype
  12. meet my biological dad - I could write a lot about this but I wont, basically its not because I need a dad (I have my wonderful stepdad who brought me up) I just want to know about him like where he was in his life when I was born and why he hasn't kept in touch, this is already deeper than necessary so yeah...
  13. become more confident - I have confidence but there are certain areas in life that I can't be confident like meeting new people (particularly the opposite gender) like I'll stop myself talking to people because I worry what people think about me and whether I can be what people want or expect or even imagine that I am, ugh c'est tres merde 
  14. get my nose pierced - I really want my nose pierced and I don't even know why, if I get a job I probably wont be allowed it in but I just want it done
  15. get a tattoo - I want the deathly hallows sign somewhere on my body and I don't know where yet but I want it alot!
  16. Go for a picnic somewhere - I haven't actually been for a picnic in a long time and whether it's just with my friends or whatever, I just really want to go on one because it'll be fun and I like food (may need to remind myself of number 4 though)
  17. Buy a plant that can live in my room - just something little like a bonsai tree or a mimosa pudica, they just seem so cool!
  18. Grow sea monkeys and keep them alive for longer - My friend got me some sea monkeys for my 16th birthday and everything was going wonderful but I over fed them and they ended up all dying which was v sad:(
  19. cook a meal from scratch - like fully from scratch not even sauce jars or packets, nothing!
So this has been my 19 before 19 I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope that by reading this you've gained something, not sure what anyone could possibly gain but hey ho, have a nice week and I shall see you all again next monday!

Hayl xo

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