Monday, 24 November 2014

Who ya gonna call? THE MYTHBUSTER - Misconceptions, cleared up!

So I recently was bored and started researching things on the internet and came across an article on misconceptions and me being as inquisitive as always I decided to do some more research and see what I could find out and believe me there is a lot that I thought was true but turned out to be a lie so here are the ones I liked the most!

  • In old english language, 'ye' was not a word that meant 'the' The confusion comes from a mix-up in symbols!
  • Bulls are colour blind, this means they don't get mad when they see the colour red, they actually get mad at the matador waving the cape at them!
  • those pesky houseflies don't actually only live for 24 hours, the average lifespan of a housefly is 20 to 30 days so we're stuck with them longer than you think! 
  • We didn't actually walk with dinosaurs, dinosaurs actually died 63 million years before the first humans existed
  • There were actually no witches burnt at the stake in Salem, 15 people died in prison, 19 were hung and 1 was pressed to death.. whatever that means
  •  Theres no actual evidence that vikings wore horns on their helmets, that just came from an artists interpretation of them!
  • there is no point in the circulatory system where the blood is blue, haemoglobin in the blood keeps it red!
  • Napoleon wasn't that short, he was actually 5'6 and back in the day and for a frenchman, that was quite tall!
  • Alcohol doesn't make you warm, all it does is dilate the blood vessels and stimulates the nerve endings with a warm flush of blood which can actually make your blood colder!
  • There aren't just 5 senses - as well as touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we have things like balance, pain, acceleration, itching, pressure, hunger, thirst, fullness of the stomach, our carbon dioxide levels (if you hold your breath, your heart beats faster) and the need to drop the kids off at the pool, just to name a few
  • there is no evidence that jesus was actually born on the 25th of december, there are actually dates all over the calender when he could've been born, the reason we celebrate it on the 25th is because of the pagans!
  • cracking your knuckles doesn't cause arthritis (told you mum!)
  • chewing gum thats been swallowed doesnt actually take 7 years to digest, it actually takes the normal amount of time to pass through however stomach acid cannot digest the gum!
I hope you learned something new that you didn't already know, I definitely learned somethings and I believed a lot of those things previously. I can't believe that I've been writing my blog for 11 weeks now, as short a time that is, I usually get bored really easy and give up but I haven't and there are no signs of that happening either! 
Hayl xo 

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Monday, 17 November 2014

Things life has taught me!

At the grand old age of 18 and a quarter I feel I have definitely learnt a lot about life so guess what here I am telling you all just what I have learnt, because that's what I do now, I tell strangers that I don't know a thing about.. massive details about my life!

  1. If you want something enough you can have it but not without working for it!
  2. Underage drinking is both good and bad.. as I've said before, I've drank alcohol since I was like 15 and it was good because I have now developed an understanding/better tolerance to the alcohol, like on my first night out I was able to drink a lot and still not be extremely drunk! The bad thing is that now after about 3 years, drinking is a bit boring, I think cause now I can legally drink and before I couldn't and there was more excitement but yeah, it does wear old!
  3. when you fall out with friends, it's not always the end of the world, if you're in the wrong you should still do everything you can to fix it and apologise and whatnot but if your not in the wrong or if after you try everything they still don't want to know you or make up you should just let it go and leave them to it because 9/10 if you truly tried everything you could, they'll come back and if not its cool!
  4. Crushes never last, they come quick and often but they end as quick as they came, it might not feel like it but they do, this is a fact proven by many!
  5. among the problems a young person can come across, there's always someone worse, so you should be grateful unless you are the someone that has it worse then we all feel for you!
  6. problems aren't problems for long they manage to be fixed after a while
  7. When you do something it has to be for you - you can't do something because your friends are or you're parents want you to, if you do or don't want to do something it's your choice no one else's!
  8. Not too long ago I learnt how important it is to own up to things straight away and people might think ah well that's something you should do anyway, in certain situations it isn't always that easy but I've realised that even in a hard situation where you might not feel like you can own up trust me if you don't it's 100% worse than what it could've been!
  9. At some point its best to let things go.. maybe not straight after because the person its being let go on may think what they did was acceptable and they are free to do it again but obviously their not.. I just mean don't hold on to it too long because then its only you getting hurt!
  10. Rome was definitely not built in a day.. if you really want something (just like in lesson 1) you will not get it without work and sometimes that might only take a day but not all the time, it will sometime take weeks.. just let life take it's course and it shall happen!
  11. Don't do things half arsed.. if you only put half of your effort into it it's probably going to be poo and you might have to do it all over again so why not do it right the first time?
  12. Don't throw ice over club balconies
  13. don't wear play suits to town
  14. don't drink too much before a night out because you'll end up ruining your best friends night by being sick and having to go home!

I can't think of any more so I'm going to leave it there but if I think of any more I shall make a part 2 because I am always learning lessons as I make many a mistake! I shall see you all next week with another post if you have something you want to see from me like advice on a certain topic or a q&a or just anything at all just leave it in the comments because I'm always looking for suggestions :) and I will see you next week!

Hayl xo

You can also find me on

Monday, 10 November 2014

Fandoms.. Calm down!

*Disclaimer* This post is really long, if you'd rather you can come back next week for a happier post! this post hasn't been made to offend, single out or be mean, all opinions are my own (unless specified) and I am fully entitled to say what I want.. Just saying!

Now this is a subject I am always thinking about and I've decided to write this post because I just want my opinion known! As you can see by the title I'm going to talk about fandoms. Don't get me wrong this wont apply to every fan but there are still huge amounts of people that it will! There will also be links to everything I talk about on here at the bottom of the post! 

So I am a fan of many things - I love one direction, I spend about 80% of my day catching up on youtubers vlogs and I read magcon boys/viners fanfics like it's a magazine but as an 18 year old I don't find myself being a massive fangirl and it's come to my attention that there are many fans that go a step too far.

The thing that really sparked my interest was an article written about my favourite youtuber - Zoella (Zoe Sugg). Chloe Hamilton - a writer for a paper called the independent - said some particularly mean things about Zoe but what was worse was the response from Zoe's 'fans'. They wrote to the independent asking for Chloe to be fired, they threatened her and said so much worse to her than she said about Zoe. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree for one second with Chloe's article, it was unfair and clearly un-researched but at the same time, Zoe never had a reply to it, even with her anxiety I'm sure she'd rather let the mean articles go over her head which for one she can't do with her 'fans' attacking the author of the article, I also don't believe that she would be happy with her fans doing that either it's not nice and if she doesn't seem bothered then why should we be especially to the extent of threatening others and being rude! The same goes for fans of anyone, if something mean is said they can deal with it, most of them are adults and see a lot of criticism as a fan you just need to be there to support your 'idol'. 

The next thing I'd like to point out is stalking them, again Zoe is a good example of this (so is Liam from one direction and probably loads more), people found out where she lived and actually waited outside her house, and I don't know how, I couldn't ever do that for one I'd feel so cheeky and intrusive but like I know I'd feel extremely uncomfortable if people knew where I lived and waited, and you shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable in your own home, its ridiculous! I've even heard Louis had to get a panic room fitted in case it gets that bad like people shouldn't be worried to such an extreme extent it's so unfair!

Another point is an extremely recent one like since yesterday, Gabby from the channel 'velvet ghost' made a video on her vlog channel about how people have been so nasty about her when she appears in videos with Zoe (Zoella) (who she's close friends with) that she doesn't want to be included in a vlog if she's with Zoe because it's that bad! People say things like she's taking Zoe away from Louise because they're rarely together or that gabby is using Zoe to get more views, it's so unfair that people are saying things like that, we as viewers only ever see edited videos of snippets of their day, not their full life.. if it's stopping Gabby from wanting to be in videos, what if it stops them hanging out? Then a friendship is pretty much ruined, I doubt it'd get that far because they wouldn't let it but what if it did? Zoe made a blog post about the matter too which basically reinforces what gabby says in her video, similarly Alfie mentioned it in a video too!

Lastly I hate the fact that people send the girlfriend of their favourite popstar hate mail. Back in the day when Cher Lloyd was rumoured to be dating Nathan Sykes from the wanted, she got death threats in the mail, similarly Barbara Palvin was getting hate mail from directioners when she was dating Niall Horan, I personally kept up with this relationship because as you probably know, I am shamelessly in love with Niall Horan. One day (ages after their split) I was just scouring through the Internet and an article came up about how she was still getting hate mail over 6 month from the split! Now the two examples I have do just happen to be people from bands that I loved and in both cases I was on the side of the fans because I loved Nathan and Niall but I'd never go so far to sit and write nasty messages to their partners because its nasty and not fair to them at all and imagine if you ever met them and they realised it was you sending mail, they wouldn't like you would they? Not only that but imagine being in the place of the people getting hate mail, it'd be awful.. I wouldn't want to do anything in public and what sort of life or relationship is that? If you have done anything like this please just take time to consider what you did and how it would affect anyone involved!

So that's it, I'm sorry if its a bit too long and serious but its just something that's been on my mind for ages and this is the best forum to get it out there! If you have anything to say on the matter, you know if you agree or disagree then tell me, but don't be mean, this is just my opinion, I'm not forcing it on anyone nor am I forcing you to read this post, I'll see you next week with a happier post! I hope you all have a nice week!

As promised here are the links:
Chloe's first post for the independent - 'Of course girls need role models but not like zoella'
Chloe's post about the response to the post - 'what it's like to be at the centre of a Zoella Twitterstorm'
Gabby's video - 'Lets Clear This Up'
Zoe's Blog post - 'Why I stopped Daily Vlogging'
Alfie's Video (It's right at the end though) - 'You need to calm down' 

Hayl xo

You can also find me on:

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The Liebster Award

Two posts in one week? What is this madness? Well as you can tell from the title it is the Liebster Award and I have been nominated for one by the lovely Danielle O'Rourke from the blog Thank you so much .. I didn't even think people persistently read my blog (other than my friends, who I make do so!)  

Im going to start by telling you 11 facts about myself that you dont already know:
  1. I attempted a monthly favourites post last month and decided that I couldn't choose what my favourite things were and then didn't end up finishing the post
  2. I am extremely indecisive, I can go to the shop for some crisps and not return for about half an hour, because I can't ever make up my mind!
  3. I try to leave my hair as long as possible (unless im doing something) before washing it so my hair stays healthy.. I only leave it 4 days at the limit though!
  4. I get really excited when post comes for me, even if its just a catalog
  5. My favourite film is harry potter (all of them, I could never choose just one) and not only do I want the deathly hallows symbol as a tattoo, I have a quote from the philosophers stone on my bedroom wall!
  6. I won an award for the most likely to become famous at my leavers prom
  7. I went to a religious half term club called fizz bang when I was little and we were in the northern echo - can't remember why though:')
  8. My favourite colours are lilac, the colour of blueberry barry m nail varnish and a reddy-pink colour
  9. I like everything to have a place, I have the normal things like a tv stand, a dresser, a wardrobe ect. but I also have things like boxes for earrings, boxes for bobbles and grips and a birthday bag where I keep my alcohol..
  10. My favourite perfume is the one direction - our moment one, its the nicest smell ever
  11. I am quarter italian on my biological dads side!

Next up is the 11 questions set by the nominator - 

 1. If you could change one moment in time what would it be? You know what I'm a huge believer in things happen for a reason so I probably wouldn't change any moments as corny as it sounds, Im happy where I am in life and if I changed something, who knows what life would be like.. that said if I could change something I did I would revise more for exams so I could've got better grades

  2. Who is you're number one hero in life? My nannie (Gran) , she's always been the best role model ever, she's in like her 80's (im not specifically sure on her age) and she still gets up at 6:30 every morning and goes to work in her shop that she runs and on her only day off she goes to boot sales to get more stock (its a vintage shop) and if she can do that at her age and with her severity of arthritis, I know I can do anything

  3. If you could change one thing about the world then what would it be? (i.e. no war) I would change prejudice, it causes so much hate to so many different types and groups of people not just that but it's caused wars and so many petty arguments and if there were no prejudice, the only problems there would be is general wrong doings, so yeah! 

  4. What is your favourite season? My favourite season has to be Autumn.. I love the brown leaves falling from the trees and the fact that there can still be warm days but there can be cold days too (every season in the UK) I also like Halloween and bonfire night, a lot!

  5. What is your least favourite type of weather? It's a toss up between snow and rain, I love both when im in the house and looking out of the window but if im out in either for too long I will not be happy at all!
  6. If you could choose one thing to be extremely good at what would it be? (i.e. singing) Cheering people up, even though my bestfriend tells me I can always cheer people up, I can't do it as quick as she can me, I usually do something like put a film on or say something awks that will make her laugh and then she'll be okay but I never know the right things to say so yeah, I wish I was a better cheerer upper
  7. What type of blog is your favourite to read? (i.e. photography, fashion etc.) I love beauty and lifestyle blogs. I like seeing 'favourites' blogs and anything about beauty and loooove reading posts like my own that are similar :)
  8. If you could choose to be any celebrity for a day who would you choose and why? I would be Selena Gomez, not only does she have great friends but her love life is cray and she knows/dated Niall Horan!
  9. What is the one dream in life that you want to come true? Marrying Niall Horan (Straight to the point!) I don't even care that I'm 18.. I am in love with Niall and I just think he's the cutest person ever and he seems v funny! (he's also beautiful)
  10. If you were a fruit what fruit would you be? I dont know what fruit I am so I'll do a quiz and let you know! Apparently I'm a banana because Im funny and never let anything get in the way of a joke, I make my friends laugh and my natural enemy is a Lemon.. that's good to know
  11. What is you're favourite song at the moment? There are 3 that I'll click on first in my playlist 'All about it - hoodie allen ft ed sheeran', 'As long as I got you - Lily Allen' and 'Mrs all american - 5 seconds of summer'

So now it's time to give my nominations.. These are people (with under 200 followers) whos blogs I love to read and don't miss a post!
Now my last person is a youtuber and has a fairly big youtube following but he is as new to blogging as I am and I love his blog as much as his channel so yeah :D

  1. Now with this 'award' there are some rules which are as follows..
  2. Thank the blog that nominated you and link them.
  3. Post eleven facts about yourself.
  4. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you and then create an eleven question set for the next group of nominees.
  5. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them on the post. 
  6. Let your nominees know they've been tagged - and no tag backs!
  7. Nominate blogs with under 200 followers. 

My 11 questions for you are..

  1. What do you do that others find strange?
  2. What is your proudest moment?
  3. Why did you start blogging 
  4. Do you have a favourite accent if so which one?
  5. What's your favourite genre of film?
  6. If you could be anywhere in the world where would you be?
  7. If you could meet any celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be?
  8. What is your favourite song and artist? (They can be different)
  9. do you collect anything?
  10. Are you funny? What's your best joke?
  11. What is the opposite of your biggest fear?
Thanks again for the nomination danielle and thanks to everyone else for reading this, please take the time to check out my nominations and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do 

Hayl xo
You can also find me on:

Monday, 3 November 2014

19 before 19 - A Years Bucket List

So Since I've not been 18 for too long I thought there is still a fair bit of time to do things before I turn 19 so here is a list of 19 things I will attempt to have done by august the 7th next year!

In no particular order here we go -
  1. Start Driving Lessons - I have been able to start my lessons for a long time but I haven't had the motivation/desire to start them and Im getting to a point where I do want to drive but I just haven't fancied it enough so yeah
  2. Go somewhere new - This is quite vague but I just mean visit somewhere new and interesting and fun that I've never been before
  3. Attend a Quiz night - The local pub hosts many a quiz night (or so I think) but I just haven't been to one just yet and I really want to cause I do love a good quiz
  4. Reach my goal body shape - I really want to like tone up and be in shape so I just want to be able to be confident in things like cropped tops and if ever I was to go swimming I don't want to constantly be in like control swim suits etc  
  5. get a job - I mean this needs no explanation and I certainly hope to have a job before I turn 19 because I just need a job!!
  6. find a good concealer - This is so random to want to do before im 19 but I just want to find a concealer that works and is really good so if you know of one, help a girl out here!
  7. learn to speak a new language - I already know a little french because I did it in school but I want to be able to like string sentences together and have like a full on conversation!
  8. finish watching the us office - I became obsessed with the office and got to the 4th or 5th series but I haven't got round to finishing it but I want to because its wonderful and I always see gifs and Im like aaah spoilers:(
  9. try a starbucks - #uncommonwhitegirl... I just haven't tried starbucks yet but I want to see what the fuss is over
  10. Go to a new theme park - I'm not exactly the biggest of thrill seekers and I've been to like 3 theme parks but I want to go to a new one haha
  11. go to nandos - same with starbucks, I just want to see the hype
  12. meet my biological dad - I could write a lot about this but I wont, basically its not because I need a dad (I have my wonderful stepdad who brought me up) I just want to know about him like where he was in his life when I was born and why he hasn't kept in touch, this is already deeper than necessary so yeah...
  13. become more confident - I have confidence but there are certain areas in life that I can't be confident like meeting new people (particularly the opposite gender) like I'll stop myself talking to people because I worry what people think about me and whether I can be what people want or expect or even imagine that I am, ugh c'est tres merde 
  14. get my nose pierced - I really want my nose pierced and I don't even know why, if I get a job I probably wont be allowed it in but I just want it done
  15. get a tattoo - I want the deathly hallows sign somewhere on my body and I don't know where yet but I want it alot!
  16. Go for a picnic somewhere - I haven't actually been for a picnic in a long time and whether it's just with my friends or whatever, I just really want to go on one because it'll be fun and I like food (may need to remind myself of number 4 though)
  17. Buy a plant that can live in my room - just something little like a bonsai tree or a mimosa pudica, they just seem so cool!
  18. Grow sea monkeys and keep them alive for longer - My friend got me some sea monkeys for my 16th birthday and everything was going wonderful but I over fed them and they ended up all dying which was v sad:(
  19. cook a meal from scratch - like fully from scratch not even sauce jars or packets, nothing!
So this has been my 19 before 19 I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope that by reading this you've gained something, not sure what anyone could possibly gain but hey ho, have a nice week and I shall see you all again next monday!

Hayl xo

You can also find me on: