Monday, 17 November 2014

Things life has taught me!

At the grand old age of 18 and a quarter I feel I have definitely learnt a lot about life so guess what here I am telling you all just what I have learnt, because that's what I do now, I tell strangers that I don't know a thing about.. massive details about my life!

  1. If you want something enough you can have it but not without working for it!
  2. Underage drinking is both good and bad.. as I've said before, I've drank alcohol since I was like 15 and it was good because I have now developed an understanding/better tolerance to the alcohol, like on my first night out I was able to drink a lot and still not be extremely drunk! The bad thing is that now after about 3 years, drinking is a bit boring, I think cause now I can legally drink and before I couldn't and there was more excitement but yeah, it does wear old!
  3. when you fall out with friends, it's not always the end of the world, if you're in the wrong you should still do everything you can to fix it and apologise and whatnot but if your not in the wrong or if after you try everything they still don't want to know you or make up you should just let it go and leave them to it because 9/10 if you truly tried everything you could, they'll come back and if not its cool!
  4. Crushes never last, they come quick and often but they end as quick as they came, it might not feel like it but they do, this is a fact proven by many!
  5. among the problems a young person can come across, there's always someone worse, so you should be grateful unless you are the someone that has it worse then we all feel for you!
  6. problems aren't problems for long they manage to be fixed after a while
  7. When you do something it has to be for you - you can't do something because your friends are or you're parents want you to, if you do or don't want to do something it's your choice no one else's!
  8. Not too long ago I learnt how important it is to own up to things straight away and people might think ah well that's something you should do anyway, in certain situations it isn't always that easy but I've realised that even in a hard situation where you might not feel like you can own up trust me if you don't it's 100% worse than what it could've been!
  9. At some point its best to let things go.. maybe not straight after because the person its being let go on may think what they did was acceptable and they are free to do it again but obviously their not.. I just mean don't hold on to it too long because then its only you getting hurt!
  10. Rome was definitely not built in a day.. if you really want something (just like in lesson 1) you will not get it without work and sometimes that might only take a day but not all the time, it will sometime take weeks.. just let life take it's course and it shall happen!
  11. Don't do things half arsed.. if you only put half of your effort into it it's probably going to be poo and you might have to do it all over again so why not do it right the first time?
  12. Don't throw ice over club balconies
  13. don't wear play suits to town
  14. don't drink too much before a night out because you'll end up ruining your best friends night by being sick and having to go home!

I can't think of any more so I'm going to leave it there but if I think of any more I shall make a part 2 because I am always learning lessons as I make many a mistake! I shall see you all next week with another post if you have something you want to see from me like advice on a certain topic or a q&a or just anything at all just leave it in the comments because I'm always looking for suggestions :) and I will see you next week!

Hayl xo

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