Monday, 24 November 2014

Who ya gonna call? THE MYTHBUSTER - Misconceptions, cleared up!

So I recently was bored and started researching things on the internet and came across an article on misconceptions and me being as inquisitive as always I decided to do some more research and see what I could find out and believe me there is a lot that I thought was true but turned out to be a lie so here are the ones I liked the most!

  • In old english language, 'ye' was not a word that meant 'the' The confusion comes from a mix-up in symbols!
  • Bulls are colour blind, this means they don't get mad when they see the colour red, they actually get mad at the matador waving the cape at them!
  • those pesky houseflies don't actually only live for 24 hours, the average lifespan of a housefly is 20 to 30 days so we're stuck with them longer than you think! 
  • We didn't actually walk with dinosaurs, dinosaurs actually died 63 million years before the first humans existed
  • There were actually no witches burnt at the stake in Salem, 15 people died in prison, 19 were hung and 1 was pressed to death.. whatever that means
  •  Theres no actual evidence that vikings wore horns on their helmets, that just came from an artists interpretation of them!
  • there is no point in the circulatory system where the blood is blue, haemoglobin in the blood keeps it red!
  • Napoleon wasn't that short, he was actually 5'6 and back in the day and for a frenchman, that was quite tall!
  • Alcohol doesn't make you warm, all it does is dilate the blood vessels and stimulates the nerve endings with a warm flush of blood which can actually make your blood colder!
  • There aren't just 5 senses - as well as touch, sight, sound, smell and taste we have things like balance, pain, acceleration, itching, pressure, hunger, thirst, fullness of the stomach, our carbon dioxide levels (if you hold your breath, your heart beats faster) and the need to drop the kids off at the pool, just to name a few
  • there is no evidence that jesus was actually born on the 25th of december, there are actually dates all over the calender when he could've been born, the reason we celebrate it on the 25th is because of the pagans!
  • cracking your knuckles doesn't cause arthritis (told you mum!)
  • chewing gum thats been swallowed doesnt actually take 7 years to digest, it actually takes the normal amount of time to pass through however stomach acid cannot digest the gum!
I hope you learned something new that you didn't already know, I definitely learned somethings and I believed a lot of those things previously. I can't believe that I've been writing my blog for 11 weeks now, as short a time that is, I usually get bored really easy and give up but I haven't and there are no signs of that happening either! 
Hayl xo 

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